ARK Survival Evolved Plugins
Nitrado does not support ARK API or Plugins.
All plugins are good for 1 year with an option to renew at a lower rate.
Please make sure you are a member of my discord before purchasing to make sure your order processes automatically. My license bot cannot contact you unless you are a member already to assign you roles for your purchase.

ASE: Auto Crafter
Plugin allows players to turn a crafting station into an automated crafting station for a particular item
Show Features
- Can auto craft any item (if you allow it) until it runs out of materials
- Placing more materials in will restart the auto crafting process again
- Changes the structure name to show what it is currently set to auto craft
- Create shortcut commands for specific items you only want to allow
- Auto Crafting will be disabled on server restarts
- Permissions integration is available
- Ability to change some Structure settings (HP, Crafting Speed, Slot Count, and Block Auto Crafting)

ASE: Items+
Transfer DC Protection, Death Inventory Saver, Tribute Uploads, Item Weight and Limit Blueprint Uses
Show Features
- Buffer overflow protection when transferring between clustered servers. (MySQL required) (other buffer overflow types still exist)
- Reduce default item weight and/or individual item weight by a percentage (Item weight will not change but the weight on your character/dino weight stat will reflect the adjusted weight)
- Set Blueprints to have limited uses that destroys the BP when the last use is used.
- Block Items, Engrams or Blueprints from being visible or used by players in inventory or crafting benches. You can now block that pesky MiniHLNA skin for example
- Upload restricted items like Element, Shards, Trophies and Tribute Items (configurable) (MySQL required)
- Updated Item Stat Caps for all items not just crafted. They should be 100% accurate now after crafting the item or spawning them. Crafting bonus does not exceed the cap set
- Shoulder Pet Saver. This feature will place your shoulder pet in a temporary cryopod and place in your inventory upon transferring servers instead of it just dropping on the ground
- Ignore List added to block some items from being uploaded. Downloaded items will be temporarily stored until the player uploads new items or transfers servers.
- Transfer Spawn Immunity Option - After server transfer and during the download delay time player cannot move and cannot be damaged
- Ignore Spoiling Items Option
- Notify Players if they have items left in the upload system. Upload/Download system has been completely rewritten. (supports full inventory uploads)
- Updated weight system (should be faster and more reliable)
- Cleaned up craft limits (Tek Items will not show double limits anymore)
- Opening a transmitter should no longer spam the console with WC debug messages if carrying vanilla cryopods.
- Armor and Weapon Durability options to reduce the speed at which durability is removed
- Armor, Weapon Damage, Durability can be increased by a percentage for Armor, Weapons or Saddles if they use that particular stat
- Armor, Weapon Damage, Durability can be capped globally or by item
Death Saver
- Save player items when they die and automatically return them when they respawn. Items are not uploaded to the database and the player must respawn after dying to get their items.
- Ability to save all items in the player's inventory along with Equipped Armor and Hotbar items
- Ability to save armor equipped on the player
- Ability to save items from the Hotbar slots
- Ability to allow the feature to only work if a player has a permission. Players without this permission will need to retrieve their items the normal way.
ARK Data / Upload Permissions
- Prevent items being uploaded to ARK Data and block player transfers when holding the items.
- Permission system added to allow two different bypasses on this feature
- First allows bypassing specific items you specify
- Second allows bypassing all restrictions (works like the Admin permission without giving out Admin)

ASE: Lethal Decay
Highly efficient lag free decay plugin that is easy to configure and replaces ARK's system
Show Features
- Permission based timed decay (based on tribe inactivity not material-based tiers)
- Rapid Decay feature to remove small cluttered structures faster than full decay timers with other configurable criteria
- Instant Decay feature that will remove specific structures you specify with other configurable criteria
- Complete removal of Structures, Dinos, Players (no random bags or vaults left over)
- Logging (api log and discord)
- Unclaimed dino decay
- Manual or Automatic decay option for Normal and Rapid decay
- Server Performance Monitoring allows for real-time decision making to prevent large base decay lag while players are online.

ASE: Lethal Loot
Lootbox/Event System plus Customizable Stats for Items, Dinos and Eggs
Show Features
- Spawn custom items or dinos with specific stats (can be delivered directly or in a lootbox)
- Give loot/lootboxes from any plugin that support command rewards to enhance any plugins reward system.
- Easily add loot/lootboxes to the database using the very simple table format from a website purchase or other technology you use.
- Epic and Steam friendly plugin. Mod usage is optional if you want custom looking boxes.
- Ability to spawn event boxes for players to find on the map with cluster-wide announcement option.
- Players will be notified when logging in they have unclaimed boxes.
- Players can use /boxes by default to claim their boxes.
- Placed lootboxes can be opened, prevent adding items, destroy once empty automatically.
- Customize Dino stat points (Health, Stam, Damage etc)
- Setting more stat points than the dino level you set can have will increase the level above what you specified to match the points
- Dinos can be spawned in the World, Cryo/Soul Trap or as an Egg with or without custom stats.
- Customize Gacha resources
- Customize Stryder attachments
- Customize Item stats: Armor, Damage, Durability
- Loot entries can have permissions assigned limiting what groups can receive it. This allows you to create a single lootbox but provide varying loot by permissions.
Boxes can be delivered 3 different ways
- Online Player - Given to player via placeable structure
- Online Player - Items given directly to players' inventory
- Offline Player - Stored for retrieval (placeable structure or direct)

ASE: Lethal Sightings
Spawn Special Rare Dinos and Special Rewards
Show Features
Rare Dinos
- Set max rares allowed at one time (applies to Super Rare also)
- Set graphical effect to make them stand out (removed when tamed)
- Set custom level range for rare dinos
- Set how often they try to spawn
- Set Random Names (optional)
- Set Random Colors (optional)
- Prevent Taming (optional)
- Only dinos you specify will become Super Rare or Rare
- Unable to be carried by a Dino or Skiff until after it is tamed.
Super Rare Dinos
- These features are in addition to the other dino settings
- Set custom level range much higher
- Set spawn chance (default 5% 1 out of 20 Rares)
- Set graphical effect to make them stand out
- Not Tamable
Super/Rare Announcements
- Dino and location on spawn but the exact location is not given
- Dino was tamed (only for rares)
- Dino was killed by players
- Dino was killed by wild dinos/environment
Super/Rare Reward Features (when dino is killed only)
- Spawns a custom supply drop or can be given to killer directly
- Set Min/Max rewards to give
- Set the type of supply crate (sky, cave, underwater) sky will maybe spark pvp for the reward crate loot
- Set the Loot pool available (I have included many items by default with various Quality)
- Super Rare and Rare have their own reward settings

ASE: Lethal Trades
Enables remote trading between players on the same map
Show Features
- Enables remote trading between players on the same map. (No cluster support)
- Opening a trade session will spawn two trading boxes (Sending/Receiving) for each player on the ground in front of them.
- Sending box is used to show what items you are offering for your trade you can add/remove items until you lock-in your trade.
- Receiving box is used to show what items the other player is offering you for your items and items are not removable.
- No database connection required for the plugin
- Allow or disallow same team trading (disallowed by default)
- Allow trading for all players or only for players with a permission group (Optional Permissions plugin)
- Supports adding a trading fee paid by both players when confirming a trade (Optional ArkShop plugin)
- Helps prevent spamming trades and gives another reason to use ArkShop points
- Transferring servers with an open trade will cancel the trade and return items to players.
- Death while trading will cancel the trade and return items to players (dead player's body will have the items).
- Hitting the trade boxes will cancel the trade and return items to players.
- Ability to convert ArkShop Points into a tradeable currency to use in the item trading process.
- Discord logging for trade transactions using a webhook.

ASE: Lethal Quests
Most Advanced Stat Tracker, Questing System including Daily/Weekly and Customizable Reward System
Show Features
- Create quest chains using the built-in and custom stats you create.
- Create daily and weekly quest variations.
- Track 1000's of statistics using the custom tracking system.
- Discord bot is available for leaderboard type display and personal player stats.
- See below for more details and settings.

ASE: Name Control+
Plugin allows restricting Tribe, Player and Dino names
Show Features
- Auto block character creation if name is not allowed.
- Auto rename character when created if name is not allowed.
- Auto block tribe rename if name is not allowed.
- Auto rename tribe if name is not allowed.
- Auto block dino rename if name is not allowed.
- Auto rename dino if the name is not allowed.
- Auto rename will pull a random name from the Names.json file.
- Messages can be set per blocking method for Tribe, Player, and Dino.
- Integrates with 🛡️ Tribe Enforcer for blocking name changes only. (Auto Rename is not supported)
- Option to force Unique character names.
- Option to offer Reserved character names to your VIPs.

ASE: No Double Login
Prevents double login duping exploits, bans, timed bans, whitelisting
Show Features
- Prevents double login duping exploits
- Discord Webhook to log offenders
- Prevents players from logging into two different servers on a cluster using the same SteamID and duping via the built-in Ark Upload System.
- Prevents players from being able to duplicate their character allowing for duplicating inventory they were carrying.
- Ability to block creating multiple characters on a cluster using the same Steam ID.
- Ban System is now MySQL based and no longer relies on the built-in ban function so it is cluster wide.
- Kicking and Banning happens from the server list now so players you don't want on the server just can't join at all.
Whitelist, Exclusive Join and Ban System
- MySQL based and no longer requires data in the text files.
- I recommend emptying the BanList.txt, PlayersExclusiveJoinList.txt, and PlayersJoinNoCheckList.txt files.
- If my system doesn't find a match in the database it will check the normal built-in functions as a backup method.
- -exclusivejoin" startup parameter is required still if using that feature (txt file can be blank)
Whitelist Permission System
- Assign permission groups to allow whitelisting
- When permission is removed they are de-whitelisted also
- Now you can offer it to VIP members without managing it manually

ASE: Server Events
Plugin allows admins to run special server events (Open World Arena Boss Fights). Create various events using different in game bosses/dinos.
Show Features
- Set custom boss level
- Set custom health
- Enable/Disable normal engram unlocks
- Enable/Disable normal achievements
- Enable/Disable normal boss loot
- Minion spawning support
- Discord messages for start and end of the event
Arena Features
- Specify open-world Arena size
- Set color of Arena border
- Enable/Disable rules to keep the boss in the arena (includes anti-kiting mechanics)
- Enable/Disable building in the arena
- Enable/Disable flying in the arena
Reward Features
- StaticLoot - Spawns loot crates after boss dies (configured per Event)
- Select which loot crate to spawn and how many should spawn
- PerPlayerLoot - Each player will receive all rewards listed (configured per Event).
- Rewards in this loot section can be Item(s), Experience, Shop Points, Engram Unlocks
Other Event Settings
- Event start timer (displays leading up to event boss spawning)
- Event cooldown timer (displays after the event boss being killed)
- Balance settings to nerf certain dino damage like Giga's which make most bosses too easy.

ASE: Tribe Enforcer
Tribe Enforcer aims to provide consistent tribe members across a cluster including the same Tribe ID on all servers. MySQL 5.7 or higher is required using InnoDB (MySQL 8.0 recommended)
Show Features
- Works with Name Control+ to make sure the tribe name fits your server's naming standards (supports the "block" setting only)
- A tribe created on a map will automatically be created on any other map when a tribe member joins the new map on the cluster.
- A tribe member invited on Server A will be auto added to the Tribe on Server B upon joining the map. No longer do tribes have to invite players on every map to be in the same tribe.
- Kicking a player from the tribe will kick them cluster-wide from the tribe.
- Ability to Promote/Demote Tribe Admins across the cluster.
- Renaming the tribe will happen cluster-wide on any active map your tribe is currently logged into and inactive maps (no players online) once a tribe member logs into that server.
- Handles merging tribes with structures on other maps even if invited on another map when the "owning" player joins back to that server and is added to the new tribe.
- This will also handle enforcing tribe size cluster-wide preventing having different players on different maps.
- Tribe names are now reserved cluster-wide upon tribe creation so it may not be used on another map by another tribe.
- Tribe Size permissions assigned based on tribe members (Permissions 1.8 required to use the feature)
- Discord logging for all auto-managed tribe events.
- Full Unicode support for tribe names.
- Option to Kick and Teleport a player instead of trapping inside their old tribe's base (also helps prevent griefing)
- Additional features to help support adding to existing clusters seamlessly.
- Force Tribe Membership (if using this feature in TribeLogRelay, disable that one)
- LFG System to allow tribes to invite players flagged as "Looking for group" anywhere on the cluster.