ARK Survival Ascended Plugins
Nitrado does not support ARK API or Plugins.
All plugins are good for 1 year with an option to renew at a lower rate.
Please make sure you are a member of my discord before purchasing to make sure your order processes automatically. My license bot cannot contact you unless you are a member already to assign you roles for your purchase.

ASA: ArkShop UI Ascended
Connects the ArkShop plugin to the UI mod
Show Features
Current Supported Features
- Item Buying
- Kit Buying
- Kit Redeeming
- Selling
- Trading Points
- Real-time point display
- Vote Claiming
Mod Features
- Searching
- Two customizable buttons
- Customizable shop name
- Customizable hotkey to open the UI (F1-F12)
- EOS ID copy/paste

ASA: Rcon Scheduler Ascended
This plugin allows you to schedule RCON commands to run exactly when you need them to. You can set them to run when the server starts, every X minutes, every X hours or at an exact time during the day. Schedules are based on real world time (not in game time).
Show Features
- Schedule any RCON command
- CRON scheduling
- Exact time scheduling
- Server start scheduling

ASA: Items Plus Ascended
Cluster Transfer System, Death Inventory Saver, Item Weight, Limited Blueprint Crafts and more
Show Features
- Cluster Transfer System
- Reduce default item weight and/or individual item weight by a percentage (Item weight will not change but the weight on your character/dino weight stat will reflect the adjusted weight)
- Set Blueprints to have limited uses that destroys the BP when the last use is used.
- Block Items, Engrams or Blueprints from being visible or used by players in inventory or crafting benches.
- Upload restricted items like Element, Shards, Trophies and Tribute Items (configurable) (MySQL required)
- Updated Item Stat Caps for all items not just crafted. They should be 100% accurate now after crafting the item or spawning them.
- Ignore List added to block some items from being uploaded.
- Downloaded items will be temporarily stored until the player uploads new items or transfers servers.
- Transfer Spawn Immunity Option - After server transfer and during the download delay time player cannot move and cannot be damaged
- Ignore Spoiling Items Option
- Notify Players if they have items left in the upload system.
- Upload/Download system has been completely rewritten. (supports full inventory uploads)
- Updated weight system (should be faster and more reliable)
- Armor and Weapon Durability options to reduce the speed at which durability is removed
- Armor, Weapon Damage, Durability can be increased by a percentage for Armor, Weapons or Saddles if they use that particular stat
- Armor, Weapon Damage, Durability can be capped globally or by item
Shoulder Pet Saver
- This feature will place your shoulder pet in a temporary cryopod and place in your inventory upon transferring servers instead of it just dropping on the ground
- I have integrated `Pelayori's Cryo Storage` mod ( for this feature
Death Saver
- Save player items when they die and automatically return them when they respawn.
- Items are not uploaded to the database and the player must respawn after dying to get their items.
- Ability to save all items in the players inventory along with Equipped Armor and Hotbar items
- Ability to save armor equipped on the player
- Ability to save items from the Hotbar slots
- Ability to allow the feature to only work if a player has a permission.
- Players without this permission will need to retrieve their items the normal way.
ARK Data / Upload Permissions
- Prevent items being uploaded to ARK Data and block player transfers when holding the items
- Permission system added to allow two different bypasses on this feature
- First allows bypassing specific items you specify
- Second allows bypassing all restrictions (works like the Admin permission without giving out Admin)
- Players without this permission will need to retrieve their items the normal way.
Items+ Companion Mod Support (optional)
- The mod adds the ability to transfer without the need to use the /upload command.
- Adds the ability for the mod to reflect weight changes on items in game now.
- Required to use the Cluster Transfer System

ASA: Lethal Decay Ascended
Keep your cluster clean. Highly configurable decay system that replaces the ARK system entirely.
Show Features
- Permission based timed decay (based on tribe inactivity not material based tiers)
- Rapid Decay feature to remove small cluttered structures faster then full decay timers with other configurable criteria
- Instant Decay feature that will remove specific structures you specify with other configurable criteria
- Complete removal of Structures, Dinos, Players (no random bags or vaults left over)
- Logging (api log and discord)
- Unclaimed dino decay
- Manual or Automatic decay option for Normal and Rapid decay
- Server Performance Monitoring allows for real-time decision making to prevent large base decay lag while players are online.

ASA: Lethal Dino Utilities
Tweak dino settings and automate some tasks with player preferences
Show Features
- Player preferences for breeding settings
- Force certain dinos to wander by default (helpful for water tame breeding)
- Allow dino imprint to work for each rider
- Dino mind wipe (free or shop command)
- Commands to level each dino stat instead of clicking multiple times
- All commands are configurable in the config directly
- Dino Settings (Global and Dino Specific)
- Dino Stats (Global and Dino Specific)
- Permission Integration
- Cryo Auto trapped newborn dinos will be imprinted and player breeding settings applied on release the first time
- Ability to block UnCryo'ing dinos on a per map basis

ASA: Lethal Limits
Limit Structures and Dinos Allowed Per Tribe
Show Features
General Features
- Realtime structure/dino update messages as things are added/removed
- Overlimit restrictions to prevent placing more structures or dinos
- Allow Admins to bypass placement restrictions
- Will block tribe merges that violate limits unless it is a force merge
Dino Features
- Limit Total Dinos per tribe
- Limit Total Specific Dinos per tribe
- Limit Groups of Dinos (shares a limit)
Structure Features
- Limit Total Structures per tribe
- Limit Total Specific Structures per tribe
- Limit Groups of Structures (shares a limit)

ASA: Lethal Login
Ban, Whitelist, Exclusive Join System with Permissions integration
Show Features
- Prevents players from being able to duplicate their character allowing for duplicating inventory they were carrying.
- Ability to block creating multiple characters on a cluster using the same Steam ID.
- Ban System is now MySQL based and no longer relies on the built in ban function so it is cluster wide.
- Whitelisting can be completely managed manually or through permissions plugin.
- Exclusive Join can be completely managed manually or through permissions plugin.
- Discord Webhook to log certain events like trying to create a second character or trying to login to two servers at once.
Ban System
- Timed bans with a specifiyed reason (Player will see this message)
- Permanent bans with a specifiyed reason (Player will see this message)
- Bans take affect almost immediately after sending the command.
Exclusive Join Permission System - Similar to a passworded server that does not need a password.
- "-exclusivejoin" commandline parameter is required if using that feature
- Assign permission groups in the config to allow players with those groups to use Exclusive Join
- When the permission group is removed from the player they are not allowed to join Exclusive Join servers any longer
- Now you can offer it to VIP members without managing it manually
Whitelist Permission System - Allows joining servers that are full
- Assign permission groups in the config to allow players with those groups to take advantage of whitelisting
- When the permission group is removed from the player they are removed the Whitelist also
- Now you can offer it to VIP members without managing it manually

ASA: Lethal Loot Ascended
Lootbox/Event System plus Customizable Stats for Items, Dinos and Eggs
Show Features
- Players will be notified when logging in they have unclaimed boxes.
- Players can use `/boxes` by default to claim their boxes.
- Placed lootboxes can be opened, prevent adding items, destroy once empty automatically.
- Customize Dino stat points (Health, Stam, Damage etc)
- Customize Item stats: Armor, Damage, Durability
- Loot entries can have permissions assigned limiting what groups can recieve it.
- Lootbox Given Discord logging
- Lootbox Redeemed Discord logging
Build completely random lootboxes
- Loot Sets
- Loot Tiers
- Supports Items, Dinos and Commands

ASA: Lethal Protection
Offline Protection, Raid/PvP Cooldowns
Show Features
General Features
- Configurable Command Names
- Customizable Messages
- Customizable Tribe Log Entries
ORP (Offline Raid Protection) Features
- PVE Base Mode (Always On ORP to allow World PVP Only)
- Raid Protection (Granted by Admin for X Hours of 100% ORP Immunity)
- ORP Decay Timer (Removes ORP after active for X Days in a row)
- ORP Visibility (Can temporarily show the ORP radius)
- Adjust Damage Calculation (Dinos, Turrets and Structures)
- Passive dino protection options and exclusion list for dinos that produce paste or oil for example
- Physical ORP (Structure that can be destroyed to remove ORP protection or can be set as Immune)
- Tribes can place one ORP structure per map.
- ORP Placement Restrictions (Many options available to customize)
- ORP Activation penalties for logging during a raid
- Location specific restrictions can be created per map to disallow using an ORP
Open World PvP Flagging - Affects only players involved
- This is any PvP outside of an ORP protection area (or extended range)
- PvP Flag has an independent timer
- Players will receive a white Buff icon when active
Cooldown Restrictions for PvP Flag Only
- Block any chat command
- Block using items or structures
- Block placing Structures
- Block picking up structures
- Block using transmitters
- Block copying turret settings
Raid Flagging - Affect whole tribe
- Can set a range larger then the ORP protection range to count attacking close to a protected base
- Flag and can given for any damage in this area or only if something is destroyed or killed
- Raid Flag has an independent timer
- Can Raid Flag tribes for soaking turrets inside the ORP range.
- Can notify a tribe though a Tribe Log entry about turrets being soaked
- Players will receive a red Buff icon when active
Cooldown Restrictions for Raid Flag Only
- Block any chat command
- Block using items or structures
- Block placing Structures
- Block picking up structures
- Block using transmitters
- Block copying turret settings
- Block dumping items in mass (Popcorning)

ASA: Lethal Quests Ascended
Advanced Stat Tracker, Questing System including Daily/Weekly and Customizable Reward System
Show Features
- Create quest chains using the built-in and custom stats you create.
- Create daily and weekly quest variations
- Track 100's of statistics using the custom tracking system.
- Discord bot is available for leaderboard type display and personal player stats.
- See below for more details and settings.
Built in tracking
- PlayerKills
- PlayerDeaths
- WildDinoKills
- TamedDinoKills
- BossKills
- K/D
- MinutesPlayed
- TotalDeaths
- PvPDamage
- TamedDinos
- RareTamedDinos (Lethal Sightings)
- RareDinoKills (Lethal Sightings)
- SuperRareDinoKills (Lethal Sightings)
- ServerEventsCompleted (Server Events)
- Future Support - MissionsCompleted
- Future Support - MissionsFailed
- Future Support - BlueOSD
- Future Support - YellowOSD
- Future Support - RedOSD
- Future Support - PurpleOSD
- Future Support - PurpleOSDWaves (highest completed)
- Future Support - ElementNodeEasy
- Future Support - ElementNodeMedium
- Future Support - ElementNodeHard
- FishCaught
Custom Tracking System
- Build your advanced tracking however you want using the following 4 types: Dino Kills, Harvesting, Dino Taming, Crafted Items
- You can create roughly 950 custom tracking stats (MySQL column limitation)
- You can track groups or single entries.
- Note: Adding new custom tracking requires a map restart (adding a blueprint to an existing entry does not require a restart)
Quest System
- This system is built using the extensive options available from all of the possible tracking stats.
- You can create quest lines that walk players through a specific path of quests that unlock and complete as they progress.
- You can create individual quests as well. I have provided around 10 example quests in the commented_config.json
- Permissions support is enabled allowing for special quest chains for VIP's
- Extensive reward system allowing each quest to have unique rewards you set, random rewards or even use a generic reward set.
- Available reward types: Items, Dinos, Experience, ArkShop Points, Engram Unlocks, Commands, Http Post
- Added Permissions integration for the Quests see the commented_config for usage
- Any quest missing this setting will get assigned the
- Default" permission group"
- Support for permission group list like "Default,Admin,VIP" etc

ASA: Lethal Sightings Ascended
Create rare dinos for taming or special loot rewards
Show Features
Rare Dinos
- Set max rares allowed at one time (applies to Super Rare also)
- Set graphical effect to make them stand out (removed when tamed)
- Set custom level range for rare dinos
- Set how often they try to spawn
- Set Random Names (optional)
- Set Random Colors (optional)
- Prevent Taming (optional)
- Only dinos you specify will become Super Rare or Rare
- Unable to be carried by a Dino or Skiff until after it is tamed.
Super Rare Dinos
- These features are in addition to the other dino settings
- Set custom level range much higher
- Set spawn chance (default 5% 1 out of 20 Rares)
- Set graphical effect to make them stand out
- Not Tamable
Super/Rare Announcements
- Dino and location on spawn but the exact location is not given
- Dino was tamed (only for rares)
- Dino was killed by players
- Dino was killed by wild dinos/environment
Super/Rare Reward Features (when dino is killed only)
- Spawns a custom supply drop or can be given to killer directly
- Set Min/Max rewards to give
- Set the type of supply crate (sky, cave, underwater). Sky will maybe spark pvp for the reward crate loot
- Set the Loot pool available (I have included many items by default with various Quality)
- Super Rare and Rare have their own reward settings

ASA: Name Control Ascended
Tribe, Player and Dino Names and More
Show Features
- Option to force "Unique" characters names (Requires MySQL/MariaDB)
- Option to offer "Reserved" character names to your VIPs (Mainly for servers that do set duration Seasons)
- Auto "block" structure names if name is not allowed.
- Auto "block" character creation if name is not allowed.
- Auto "rename" character when created if name is not allowed.
- Auto "block" tribe rename if name is not allowed.
- Auto "rename" tribe if name is not allowed.
- Auto "block" dino rename if name is not allowed.
- Auto "rename" dino if the name is not allowed.
- Auto "rename" will pull a random name from the Names.json file. (You can customize the list with your own names or use the provided ones)
- Messages can be set per blocking method for Tribe, Player and Dino.
- Limit Name Length
- Limit Notes by length of text and the contents.

ASA: Server Events Ascended
Create various events using different in game bosses/dinos.
Show Features
Boss Features
- Set custom boss level
- Set custom health
- Enable/Disable normal engram unlocks
- Enable/Disable normal achievements
- Enable/Disable normal boss loot
- Minion spawning support
- Discord messages for start and end of the event
Arena Features
- Specify open world Arena size
- Set color of Arena border
- Enable/Disable rules to keep the boss in the arena (includes anti-kiting mechanics)
- Enable/Disable building in the arena
- Enable/Disable flying in the arena
Reward Features
- StaticLoot - Spawns loot crates after boss dies (configured per Event). Select which loot crate to spawn and how many should spawn.
- PerPlayerLoot - Each player will receive all rewards listed (configured per Event). Rewards in this loot section can be Item(s), Experience, Shop Points, Engram Unlocks.
Other Event Settings
- Event start timer (displays leading up to event boss spawning)
- Event cooldown timer (displays after the event boss being killed)
- Balance settings to nerf certain dino damage like Giga's which make most bosses too easy.

ASA: Tribe Enforcer Ascended
Tribe Enforcer aims to provide consistent tribe members across a cluster including the same Tribe ID
Show Features
- Works with Name Control Ascended to make sure the tribe name fits your server's naming standards (supports the "block" setting only)
- A tribe created on a map will automatically be created on any other map when a tribe member joins the new map on the cluster.
- A tribe member invited on Server A will be auto added to the Tribe on Server B upon joining the map. No, longer do tribes have to invite players on every map to be in the same tribe.
- Kicking a player from the tribe will kick them cluster wide from the tribe.
- Ability to Promote/Demote Tribe Admins across the cluster.
- Renaming the tribe will happen cluster wide on any active map your tribe is currently logged into and inactive maps (no players online) once a tribe member logs into that server.
- Handles merging tribes with structures on other maps even if invited on another map when the "owning" player joins back to that server and is added to the new tribe.
- This will also handle enforcing tribe size cluster wide preventing having different players on different maps.
- Tribe names are now reserved cluster wide upon tribe creation so it may not be used on another map by another tribe.
- Tribe Size permissions assigned based on tribe members (Permissions 1.8 required to use the feature)
- Discord logging for all auto managed tribe events.
- Full Unicode support for tribe names.
- Option to Kick and Teleport a player instead of trapping inside their old tribes base (also helps prevent griefing)
- Additional features to help support adding to existing clusters seamlessly.
- Force Tribe Membership (Tribe Logs Ascended force tribe will be ignored in favor of this one)
- LFG System to allow tribes to invite players flagged as "Looking for group" anywhere on the cluster.

ASA: Tribe Logs Ascended
Allows sending tribe logs to discord for player tribes and Admin Logging
Show Features
- Tribes can specify a discord webhook to use for tribe log notifications.
- Admins can specify a discord webhook for each map to log all tribe logs to discord.
- Admins can specify a discord webhook for each map for a secondary public channel or special private channel for certain events.
- You can force players to be in a tribe.
- Log tribe name changes.
- Log tribe ownership changes.
- Log join/leave messages.
Keyword Matching
- Can be enabled to allow filtering the kinds of events that are forwards to discord.
- Keywords used should match the text displayed in a tribe log.
- Keywords used need to be in the servers language.
- Special Keywords can have a ping added to them like "@here" or "@everyone".
- See the commented config for more details.